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OMC Sacred Earth Blend Loose Incense
OMC Sacred Earth Blend Loose Incense

OMC Sacred Earth Blend Loose Incense

Regular price $17.00
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The Our Mother’s Crystals Sacred Earth Blend Loose Incense has been made exclusively for us by Blessup Meditations located here in Kentucky.  Only found here!

Each packet contains approximately 0.5 oz

Contains all natural ingredients that have been thoughtfully blended together to represent all the energies that OMC possesses and wishes for our community.

Ingredients: White Sage (Wise and Cleansing), Lilies (Divine Beauty and Love), Patchouli (Earth energy), Rose (highest vibrational flower at 320MHz, Vibe Raiser), Lavender (Soothing and Peaceful).

Uses: Burn a small amount in a fire safe container spreading the smoke around yourself or your area as needed to cleanse your aura or space, to raise the vibration, to feel beauty and unconditional love, to ground, to bring you peace and stability and to obtain earth, flower and herb energies.

We make no medical beneficial claims with using this product. For external use only. DO NOT INGEST.